Archived Speakers
Maxim Jago
Maxim Jago is an Award-Winning Filmmaker, Best-Selling Author, Consultant Futurist, Strategic Advisor, International Keynote, and Founder and Director of The Creativity Conference. He has consulted on future and emerging technologies for several international organisations, including NASA, The BBC, Nvidia, Adobe, and Google, and published a book exploring futurism for IEEE-USA in 2020 (with four more titles planned). He's a member of the Board of Directors for the DaVinci International Film Festival, a member of the Board of Advisors for Oxco (for Oxford University in the UK and the BBC), an official Advisor for the charity Awareness Ties, and a Judge for the SXSW Pitch Program. Maxim is a well-known media technology educator and keynote and is the author of multiple popular books and training series including the official Adobe Premiere Pro Classroom in a Book, the Adobe Audition Classroom in a Book, and thousands of tutorials exploring media post-production and production, many of which have been presented as official learning materials for popular creative applications. He has also recently completed work on a practical philosophy book, entitled, How To Be.